Is there any treatment for glare after LASIK surgery?

Glare after LASIK surgery:

A recent episode of the Dr. Oz Show, which aired on October 3rd, 2013, featured an investigative report about the potential life-long side effects of LASIK eye surgery. As a popular elective surgery, nearly 800,000 people get LASIK every year. FDA clinical data trial shows that every modern laser left 1 out of 5 patients seeing worse after LASIK. Side effects include dry eyes, double vision, halos or starbursts (especially at night), and blurry vision.

lasik problems

Investigative reporter Elisabeth Leamy has been investigating the harmful side effects of LASIK for over two years. During her undercover consultations with doctors, she discovered that the side effects were minimized and the procedure was treated like an easy, no-risk procedure. Morris Waxler, the former FDA official responsible for getting LASIK surgery approved, is now working to get it banned. He says that the side effects of LASIK are actually injuries and that LASIK harms 20% of patients.

While the investigation revealed the potential dangers and risk of LASIK eye surgery, it did not discuss what people can do if they are suffering from LASIK side effects.

Dr. Irwin Azman is one of the leading LASIK consultants with over 25 years of experience in the diagnosis and management of the Post LASIK patient with complications and side effects. Dr. Azman affirms that although patients may experience side effects due to pre-existing eye conditions, there are non-surgical treatments to help those with LASIK side effects. Together with his team of technicians, new technologies in instrumentation and new treatment modalities, Dr. Azman is able to prescribe each patient with the perfect solution in resolving their Post LASIK side effects without further surgery.

According to Dr. Azman: “While LASIK surgery can be successful under optimum eye conditions, unfortunately many patients do experience side effects due to pre-existing conditions. However, there is hope. Utilizing our vast experience and expertise, as well as an array of new technologies, we are able to treat these side effects with non-surgical techniques.”

Visit for more information about Treatment for LASIK complications and the services of Dr. Irwin Azman or call (240) 782-2020.